
Delicious Green Seaweed Crisps (Chips)

Anna Reeves

Ingredients (serves 2):

4 sheets of nori seaweed (from the Asian food section of supermarket)

Water in a spray bottle

Method:Sushi Nori Sheets

  1. Preheat oven to 160o
  2. Lay out one of the nori sheets on a chopping board
  3. Hold another nori sheet in the air and give it a few spritz with water
  4. Lay the sprayed nori sheet on top of the one on the chopping board and press to stick
  5. With a serrated knife, slice the seaweed into 16 squares and place on an unsprayed tray
  6. Repeat with the other two seaweed sheets
  7. Bake for 8-12 minutes. They burn easily so keep a close eye on your chips!
  8. Enjoy and share a smug photo with all your friends.

Seaweed Chips

These chips are delicious as they are but flavours can be added.  Try spraying on some lemon juice or sprinkle on some paprika.  Make sure you put it in between the sheets to avoid burning the flavour.

You can buy seaweed (nori) chips from Asian grocers but they are usually loaded with salt which puts a lot of pressure on your kidneys.


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